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* A series of rules that every geek must comply with.

Rule No. 1

A geek knows how to recognize a GEEK wine with a sip

* For the non-geek we made the labels.

Rule No. 2

Holding a glass of GEEK doesn’t make you a geek

* Just as wearing glasses does not make you smarter.

Rule No. 3

A geek is not only born, it is made

* Like the GEEK wine, which we do.

Rule Nº4

You will never see a geek disguised as a normal geek

* And much less disguising a GEEK wine with soda

Rule No. 5

A geek is not seen with the naked eye

* Like the depth of the ocean.

Rule No. 6

Only a geek gets to fully enjoy a GEEK wine

* Exquisite palate + wine knowledge = GEEK 🙂

You are already a real geek